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Responsible For Own Learning

Weekly Deep Dive
Weekly Deep Dive
Responsible For Own Learning

Nate and Jason dive into the learning process and tips for studying New Testament this year. Trust the process. Expect difficulties and questions. Take advantage of difficult moments to build a relationship with God.

6 responses on "Responsible For Own Learning"

  1. I want you to know that I love your podcast. I have been listening for the last few months. Today I listened to you talking about the process of learning. How Joseph Smith went about learning. It hit me that maybe I have started doing that. I listen to several podcasts each week that tie into the Come Follow Me lessons. I am getting different takes and it is enriching my understanding. Thank you for helping me to see the process. This year in the Old Testament has helped me to grow spiritually. Thank you.

    • Thanks Marlyss! Isn’t the Come Follow Me program wonderful? I always felt like with the old curriculum, we would never really get a good chance to dive into the scriptures the way I wish we could. Turning it into a discussion that happens in the home and all over really opens up a lot of opportunities to get everyone talking about the scriptures much more than we otherwise were. There are so many unique thoughts and perspectives, inspiration from the Lord given to different individuals to help pull everyone together and appreciate His masterpiece. We appreciate you including us in your experience and the opportunity to share a few thoughts with you. Thanks for listening and your kind remarks. I bet you are becoming quite the scholar with all of the time you out into enriching your experience. I would love to hear your thoughts when you have some to share!

  2. Always appreciate your insights, humor, and have learned quite a bit from your podcast. Your willingness to step over the edge and tackle the Scriptures with some different interpretation is refreshing.
    I view it much like the parables. We are all at different places and in different moments in our lives at any given time. The Scriptures to me can have different meaning at different times to different people.
    Much as a well written musical piece can tug at an individuals emotions and the interpretation can be multifaceted.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you and your families. Keep up the good work and know that you have blessed my life with your podcast. I’m spreading the word to others and hope that they become avid followers as well. You are doing the Lord’s work. Bless you

    • Mike, this was awesome! Thanks for the insight, the good wishes and the compliments. Also, thanks for listening, sharing the show and taking time to interact with us. We both had an awesome Christmas and our families are well. This new baby has been a huge blessing for Nate and you can see the love in his eyes as he talks about being a father. It’s been a beautiful few weeks for us here, I hope it’s been wonderful for you and your family as well! Happy New Year! I look forward to sharing more insights with you and hearing your thoughts when you get a chance to share them!

  3. I want you guys to know that I love your podcasts as well. I start the week off with you guys and it really lifts me up and encourages me to keep going. I have recently had a hard diagnosis and I struggle at continuing most of the time. You guys help me understand God better and you are freaking funny to listen to. Don’t feel like what you’re doing is a waste of time cuz it is absolutely not. Keep doing what you’re doing. It is well worth your time! Thank you and God bless!

    • John thank you! You lifted our spirits and shared a wonderful gift with us with that comment. I’m sorry about the diagnosis, that doesn’t sound good. I’ll personally include you in my prayers. If there’s anything we can do to help or if you need someone to talk to, please reach out. You can hit us up at hi@weeklydeepdive.com, or send us a message on Facebook or Instagram if you want a more private platform to talk. I check those personally. Also, feel free to post here too if you like, I’m sure there are others here concerned as well that would love to support you however they can.
      Thanks for being a part of learning about the scriptures with Nate and I!

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