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Jason is back in this week’s deep dive into the Family: A Proclamation to the World. This episode talks about the proclamation as a test for this time. Also, in going over the proclamation, this episode covers the importance of the family and the criticality of family ideals.
We just finished up the last two deep dives. I first want to tell Nate how I appreciated him reminding us that sometimes it just takes faith in God. We might not understand every commandment and the whys; however, did we choose to put God at the helm and that choice should help us with keeping our faith in Him to get us through the storms of life and misunderstandings.
The last podcast you both talked about mothers in the workforce. I remember President Benson putting out a pamphlet. I think it was called “Mother’s Stay Home”. I am not sure. Anyway, at the end there was a section telling us that if our family needed a working mother the Lord put it on us to pray and to make a joint decision. There are some great quotes in that pamphlet, 22 February 1987.
The choices we make in this life need to be made with much thought and prayer and the guidance of the Holy Ghost. I love President Nelson’s quote, “But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.