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D&C 67 – 70

Nate returns for this week's journey through D&C 67 - 70. In D&C 67, the Lord offers an interesting challenge for those still not convinced that the revelations given were Gods words. Write your own revelation and see if you can do better. As we explore these events, we take a closer look into the life of William E. McLellin. Next, we dive into a privilege and a promise given to those called into God's work. We explore what it means to speak while moved upon by the spirit. And finally, we finish this episode with a dive into the responsibility of parenting. Is 8 too young or too old for baptism?

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D&C 64 – 66

In this episode, Jason takes us through D&C 64 - 66. The meat of the episode focuses upfront on what it means to overcome the world. Sometimes faith requires belief in the absurd. Abraham believed he would still have Isaac after sacrificing him. Nephi believed he could build a boat and cross a sea. Many times, faith will alienate us from everyone around us. The angel Gabriel didn't tell the world Mary would be carrying God's child, but only Mary who kept it to herself. Not being understood and overcoming trials as individuals is an essential part of living and part of God's plan for us to overcome the world. This episode also talks about a foundation built on Christ and not a false idea of perfect leaders. It is important to not hold sins against others.

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D&C 63

This episode dives into D&C 63. Nate introduces this episode with an interesting version of "Give Said the Little Stream," as a tribute to primary. Jason takes a quick detour to go back to D&C 61 and examine the land cursed by God in the beginning and blessed by God in the end. He also explores God cursing the waters in the last days. Transitioning into D&C 63 this episode covers signs. Jason examines when they are appropriate as defined in D&C 63. Jason brings up stories about signs sought for and given throughout scripture to provide context for the discussion. Finally, this episode wraps up by an interesting discussion on what it means to take the Lord's name in vain.

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D&C 60 – 62

D&C 60 - 62 opens with a reference to the parable of the talents and who better to take us on a guided tour of this parable than Nate!

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D&C 58-59

The Lord's unique way of speaking. Was Joseph Smith a fallen prophet? Is it a sin to be rich? Not being commanded in all things.

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D&C 51 – 57

Jason and Nate journey into the meaning of the center place. Along the way, they talk about the sacred center in Near Eastern and Greek religion. They explore paradise restored through the temple. Jason builds on the idea pointing out that any point is essentially the center of a sphere and how the universe does center around us. Jason then explores how do we make sure our sacred center is placed on the right point of emphasis. Nate makes some powerful connections to creation and us as God's children.

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