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Acts 10 – 15

Weekly Deep Dive
Weekly Deep Dive
Acts 10 - 15

The church is guided by revelation. The revelation of Cornelius. The revelation of Peter. Revelation in context of life.

1 responses on "Acts 10 - 15"

  1. I really enjoyed this weeks lesson on the ways in which we might receive revelation in guidance in our lives.

    I was recently listening to Jordan Peterson’s analysis of the Old Testament, and he had a thought that I thought was quite profound that I wanted to share here.

    As you move from the story of Adam and Eve two of the apostles, God allows his servants to become more and more agents onto themselves.

    With Adam and Eve, they were told exactly what to do and how to do it.

    Then, with Abraham (and the other prophets) he’s given direct guidance of what to do, but he makes some decisions for himself.

    Till finally, with the apostles, they were given inspiration and visions that need to be interpreted through prayer and fasting.

    I feel like this is a type for how our lives are as well. First we are directed by very explicit guidance and commandments, until as we grow we have more and more autonomy.

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